I took some pictures of my house to share. The one above is my kitchen. The gas oven is open on the far table. The big grey bucket is where I keep my water, which I collect outside in the smaller buckets since there is no running water here. You may see numerous tupperware-type things, this is for keeping out critters, of which I have many.

This is the a look at the back of my house, where I place buckets to catch rainwater from the poorly constructer gutters. During the dry season, I either get water from a questionable creek or buy it from a guy who sells it in barrels from the back of his pickup.

Here is my living room (sala). I am standing in my front door, straight ahead is the kitchen and then my backyard. To the left there is a door, not really visible, to my bedroom. I have 4 plastic and very comfortable chairs here, as well as my bike and the table I use to work on. I didn't build it, but I did paint all of the inside and the windows (called Persianas).

This is my bedroom, taken from the doorway to the living room, with mosquito net up over the bed. It looks kind of bare, which is true, but I do have a table with books and other random stuff on it against the wall to the left. I hang my clothes on a rod to the right, not visible here.

This is the last room in the house, the other bedroom. The door to the left is to my bedroom; the picture is taken from the door to the kitchen. As you can see, the roof is really low, so it gets very hot in this part of the house. I think there used to be some (non-poisonous) tarantulas living under the floor here, but with my honed machete skills I believe that I have taken care of this problem.

This is the view from my back door, with the latrine visible on the left.

Lastly, the view from my front door with the road. Don't worry, I do have neighbors, one to my left and another across the street a few yards down to the right.